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My parents are acting like children, expecting me to take their side
regardless of what I feel. When I choose to stay neutral, they treat me
like the devil and make me generally feel like shit.
I tend to lean
toward my father's side, and my grandmother thinks I do this just
because he's my father. That isn't true. It's because she's denying the
truth, saying she never said something, etc. My dad has a solid point,
so I make that clear and I try to take some of my grandmother's points
into consideration as well.
When the argument is over and done with
by KokiKariya - Comments: 0 - Views: 648


I got the scholarship for New York/DC trip for our school!!!!
It's a total of 2000 dollars and I get to go free!!!!!!

by allenallenallen333 - Comments: 0 - Views: 487

Yeh. My mom might have a heat attack.
My mom's been stressed 'n' all and she went to the doctors and she has all the symptoms of a heart attack. I don't see the difference but what the Doctor says goes. So, yeh. Explains why she keeps screaming at me for no reason. Stupid Kira don't take my Mom away before Christmas >.< wait till she gets to see her grand children first! So if I'm gone after Christmas chances are I am crying in a corner. Also, when mum told me, I had the strangest erge to smile. I mean, what is wrong with me?
by Amaya14 - Comments: 1 - Views: 521

So I typed up a whole page worth of facts on Venus (Half of it is committed to memory from Having to re-word it multiple times) And so I call up my partner and say; HAY I'M DUN JUST GUTTA PRINT IT OUT!
And so I walk downstairs and sit around the computer for an hour or so screaming at the computer to start working. Thing is, my computer upstairs is working fine. 'Sept no printer. Email it to myself, and go downstairs. Try to go on internet and IT WONT WORK. So I call up my partner and he comes up with the brilliant idea to save it to my flash drive, so I do. He tells me he;'s eating popcorn,...
by Amaya14 - Comments: 2 - Views: 456

I am the quiet nobody who slinks into the corners in order to stay away from pain and trouble that is inevitably caused by dwelling in the scene.
But I am always hurt anyways.

Recently, my brother became a psychotic mess who has an imaginary girlfriend in Michigan.
He whines about how 'unfair' and 'abusive' the family is when we ask him to stop the nonsense or to hand over the phone.
He just won't listen.
He's attacked and attacked and attacked and run away and bent the rules and whined and now he's sitting in the rain - literally - and dreaming of moving...
by KokiKariya - Comments: 3 - Views: 493

PTSD. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

I think I suffer from it.
The nights I wake up crying.
The fun times ruined by memories.
Wallowing in self-pity.

It's because, one night, I was hanging with my real dad up in Dallas.
Well, he had a friend over. He was wasted.
So he popped a drug in my dad's beer, and he passed out on the floor.
The drunk faggot told me he was dead.
I hunched over him, and took a pulse.
Being naive, I said he was alive.
The guy, his name is Chad, took a knife and tried to stab my dad.

by Near - Comments: 6 - Views: 485

My story about MESA and SEMAA and the new elective class is on the front page!
by allenallenallen333 - Comments: 8 - Views: 634
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