So I typed up a whole page worth of facts on Venus (Half of it is committed to memory from Having to re-word it multiple times) And so I call up my partner and say; HAY I'M DUN JUST GUTTA PRINT IT OUT!
And so I walk downstairs and sit around the computer for an hour or so screaming at the computer to start working. Thing is, my computer upstairs is working fine. 'Sept no printer. Email it to myself, and go downstairs. Try to go on internet and IT WONT WORK. So I call up my partner and he comes up with the brilliant idea to save it to my flash drive, so I do. He tells me he;'s eating popcorn, so I decide to go get some myself. He tells me to put it in the microwave for 3 minutes. Me, being the girl who has never actually done anything in the kitchen herself, did so. Next thing you know there is smoke everywhere and my brother comes to the rescue. THANKS A LOT, CAM.
In other news, there is a new guy at my school. I didn't get to see him yet but I will tomorrow. When he passed like all the girls went "EWWWWW" so loudly I'm positive that guy is scarred for life. I feel so bad for him. I hate it when people call you ugly. Also, for the past couple weeks I have had no lunch due to the fact my mom refused to give me a check. Tomorrow will be my first hot lunch in a couple weeks...Finally...
Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:35 pm by Near